Crawler Config
The crawler configurable parameters are:
Parameter | Default | Description |
user_agent | "SWSbot" | The User-Agent header that will be used in all HTTP requests |
page_buffer | 10_000 | The size of the pages download queue. When the queue is full new downloads are on hold. This parameter is particularly relevant when using concurrent throttling. |
throttle | Concurrent(100) if robot is None Otherwise Delay(N) where N is read from robots.txt field Crawl-delay: N | A throttling strategy for HTML pages download. Concurrent(N) means at max N downloads at the same time, PerSecond(N) means at max N downloads per second, Delay(N) means wait for N seconds betwen downloads |
num_workers | max(1, num_cpus-2) | The number of CPU cores that will be used for scraping page in parallel using the provided Lua script. |
on_dl_error | SkipAndLog | Behaviour when an error occurs while downloading an HTML page. Other possible value is Fail . |
on_xml_error | SkipAndLog | Behaviour when an error occurs while processing a XML sitemap. Other possible value is Fail . |
on_scrap_error | SkipAndLog | Behaviour when an error occurs while scraping an HTML page in Lua. Other possible value is Fail . |
robot | None | An optional robots.txt URL used to retrieve a specific Throttle::Delay . ⚠ Conflicts with seedRobotsTxt in Lua Scraper, meaning that when robot is defined the seed cannot be a robot too. |
These parameters can be changed through Lua script or CLI arguments.
The priority order is: CLI (highest priority) > Lua > Default values
Lua override
You can override parameters in Lua through the global variable sws.crawlerConfig
Parameter | Lua name | Example Lua value |
user_agent | userAgent | "SWSbot" |
page_buffer | pageBuffer | 10000 |
throttle | throttle | { Concurrent = 100 } |
num_workers | numWorkers | 4 |
on_dl_error | onDlError | "SkipAndLog" |
on_xml_error | onXmlError | "Fail" |
on_scrap_error | onScrapError | "SkipAndLog" |
robot | robot | "" |
Here is an example of crawler configuration parmeters set using Lua:
-- You don't have to specify all parameters, only the ones you want to override.
sws.crawlerConfig = {
userAgent = "SWSbot",
pageBuffer = 10000,
throttle = { Concurrent = 100 }, -- or: { PerSecond = 100 }, { Delay = 2 }
numWorkers = 4,
onDlError = "SkipAndLog", -- or: "Fail"
onXmlError = "SkipAndLog",
onScrapError = "SkipAndLog",
robot = nil,
CLI override
You can override parameters through the CLI arguments.
Parameter | CLI argument name | Example CLI argument value |
user_agent | --user-agent | 'SWSbot' |
page_buffer | --page-buffer | 10000 |
throttle (Concurent) | --conc-dl | 100 |
throttle (PerSecond) | --rps | 10 |
throttle (Delay) | --delay | 2 |
num_workers | --num-workers | 4 |
on_dl_error | --on-dl-error | skip-and-log |
on_xml_error | --on-xml-error | fail |
on_scrap_error | --on-scrap-error | skip-and-log |
robot | --robot | '' |
Here is an example of crawler configuration parmeters set using CLI arguments:
sws --script path/to/scrape_logic.lua -o results.csv \
--user-agent 'SWSbot' \
--page-buffer 10000 \
--conc-dl 100 \
--num-workers 4 \
--on-dl-error skip-and-log \
--on-xml-error fail \
--on-scrap-error skip-and-log \
--robot '' \